Oh wonderful news...my stitching mojo is back. I was able to finish the stitching on second kitchen towel yesterday and today I was able to finish both of them. I sewed a piece of muslin almost exactly the same color as the terry cloth on the back of the stitching.
I have come to realize that I am a little OCD when it comes to hiding the back of my stitching. Part of the reason I wanted to do this was so that when the towels get washed the back of the stitching would not get caught on anything. :) My DD is modeling the front of one of the towels.
I put a green ribbon on the top an bottom to give it a little more pizazz.
I was able to make more progress on the green blanket as well the last two days. During that time my most constant companion has been Gizmo. We were watching the show "Once upon a time" on I-Tunes this weekend. Good thing my DD and I have the same taste in shows.
My model for this picture is our cat Tigerlily.
One of the greens is a little brighter in the picture than in person but I think it is coming out well. I am going to continue to work on this one tonight and see where my inspiration takes me tomorrow.
Ta Ta for now,
Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Good Morning
Good morning everyone,
Everyone decided last night that I needed cuddling. I had all three cats and my daughter laying on top of me last night. :)
I have been able to work on the green blanket the last couple of days but I don't have an updated picture yet. I forgot to post yesterday that I received my Christmas Ornaments Magazine from Sunflower Crossing. Thank you Barb!
Everyone decided last night that I needed cuddling. I had all three cats and my daughter laying on top of me last night. :)
I have been able to work on the green blanket the last couple of days but I don't have an updated picture yet. I forgot to post yesterday that I received my Christmas Ornaments Magazine from Sunflower Crossing. Thank you Barb!
I will most more again this afternoon. We have a day out planned. Finally I get out of the house for a while.
TaTa for now,
Friday, October 26, 2012
Another Day
Hello all,
I worked on my craft room again yesterday. I was able to box up more books.
I still have 3others that I am taking with me. Went hrough and found almost all my yarn.
Put my fabric (both larger pieces and scraps) in boxes.
I have also been working on sorting out my crafting supplies and putting them together so that I can find them again after the move. ;)
After filling up a couple of boxes I realized that I had run out of tape to close the boxes. So off I go to the store. I needed to pick up a few things for the house anyway. While there I passed the toy section on the way to the health and beauty section. I started to think about needing to get Christmas presents. I ended up spending about $50 on presents at the one store. Then I decided to go to a craft store to pick up the yarn to finish the green blanket. Of course they didn't have the colors I needed so I will have to place an order online. While there I saw a lot of cute stocking stuffers for $1. I picked up some of those for my DD and picked up a cross stitch pattern book for me. This will be wrapped up and put under the tree for me. :) My Dad taught me that if I wanted something for Christmas/Birthday get it and put my kid's name on it. Then I remembered that there were a few books that she wanted so I went next door and picked them up. Of course I couldn't help looking at the magazines and picked up a Christmas magazine.
It came with the bonus penguin chart and enough material for six cards and 3 ornaments. I completed all shopping for my girl except for the candy for her stocking. I may pick up one or two more things for me before then. Since I probably will not be moving until after Christmas but before New Years I will not be doing gifts for many people this year. Anything I do give will be hand made from my current stash.
My girl has been begging for a pumpkin to decorate this year and I finally broke down and picked up a couple. I leave you with the results of our decorating. ( I painted mine).
TaTa for now,
I worked on my craft room again yesterday. I was able to box up more books.
The stack of books to go.
The Big Box of yarn (I have my current projects in drawers)
Put my fabric (both larger pieces and scraps) in boxes.
I have also been working on sorting out my crafting supplies and putting them together so that I can find them again after the move. ;)
After filling up a couple of boxes I realized that I had run out of tape to close the boxes. So off I go to the store. I needed to pick up a few things for the house anyway. While there I passed the toy section on the way to the health and beauty section. I started to think about needing to get Christmas presents. I ended up spending about $50 on presents at the one store. Then I decided to go to a craft store to pick up the yarn to finish the green blanket. Of course they didn't have the colors I needed so I will have to place an order online. While there I saw a lot of cute stocking stuffers for $1. I picked up some of those for my DD and picked up a cross stitch pattern book for me. This will be wrapped up and put under the tree for me. :) My Dad taught me that if I wanted something for Christmas/Birthday get it and put my kid's name on it. Then I remembered that there were a few books that she wanted so I went next door and picked them up. Of course I couldn't help looking at the magazines and picked up a Christmas magazine.
Enjoy Crossstitch at Christmas
It came with the bonus penguin chart and enough material for six cards and 3 ornaments. I completed all shopping for my girl except for the candy for her stocking. I may pick up one or two more things for me before then. Since I probably will not be moving until after Christmas but before New Years I will not be doing gifts for many people this year. Anything I do give will be hand made from my current stash.
TaTa for now,
Thursday, October 25, 2012
My last post was quite somber. Today is a better day. I am still climbing that ladder up out of the dark hole but there is more light than yesterday. I was able to make some progress on my craft (dumping ground) room. I even started sorting my library. I decided to take a hard look at the books I currently own. I am only keeping about 5 series.

The rest will go into a yard sale. The picture to the right are the boxes of books I have decided not to keep. I have another 3 boxes so far that I am keeping. I will be looking through all of our stuff as I go thru it and deciding what I can do without. Of course, not a single bit of my crafting stash will be going (lol). I love yarn. I didn't realize how much yarn I currently have until I started packing. When my daughter came home from school yesterday and saw my box of yarn she told me I am not allowed to buy any more until I use up some of my current stock.I know that I have not packed all of it so I had to agree. After working in the one room I was able to work on the green blanket
and was able to get quite a few rows done. I may have to go back on that agreement so that I can complete the current project. :)
Time for me to back back to the craft room.
TaTa for now,
and was able to get quite a few rows done. I may have to go back on that agreement so that I can complete the current project. :)
Time for me to back back to the craft room.
TaTa for now,
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Caution: Depression ahead
I seem to be stuck. There is much to do around here for the move. Lots of sorting and packing. But where has all my energy gone? (All I want to do is sleep.) It is being sucked down into the black hole called depression. I thought that this time between jobs would be great. Plenty of time to stitch and be able to slowly go through the house preparing for the move. The reality is that with the car still needing work I feel stranded. Then I start thinking of all the rooms that I need to start sorting and I start feeling overwhelmed. So I sit in my chair and think about the many projects I could be stitching and can't decide which one to work on. So I continue to sit and stare at the TV and pick up my yarn and a hook or I pick up the computer and look at the blogs of the wonderful community I belong to and before I know it a couple of hours have passed. Then I start beating myself up over wasting time when I should have been packing. So I continue to sit because now I have feel worn out. I lean back to watch one of the court shows (which seems to be the only thing on during the early afternoons) where people put their personal business on TV and I think about the kind of people who want their 15 minutes of fame so bad that they are willing to put the most embarrassing stuff out there for public consumption. I must have fallen asleep because before I know it the door is opening allowing my DD into the house after school. Where has the day gone? That's right, another day down the dark hole.
Today is a new day. Now that I am aware that the dark hole is there I can refrain from dropping any deeper into into it. I will start by working in my craft room which has become a resting place for anything and everything that is brought into the house. I will not plan on getting the whole room done today because that will be too overwhelming. So I will go for a few boxes. Get the things in those few boxes sorted and have a small accomplishment. During my thirty something years I have had to learn how to pull myself out of the hole a little bit at a time. I have learned the hard way that you can not escape a depressive episode in a day. It usually takes around a week to get back to feeling normal.
I was able to get a start on pulling myself up by putting the girls (the guinea pigs) in a new cage yesterday. I got so tired of cleaning their box of cat messes every day. I hate putting them in a cage but I think we will all be healthier and happier with their bedding cat mess free. Also, the girls will stop being so scared of anyone walking by.
Well enough delaying, I am off to pull a box or two from the craft room.
TaTa for now,
Today is a new day. Now that I am aware that the dark hole is there I can refrain from dropping any deeper into into it. I will start by working in my craft room which has become a resting place for anything and everything that is brought into the house. I will not plan on getting the whole room done today because that will be too overwhelming. So I will go for a few boxes. Get the things in those few boxes sorted and have a small accomplishment. During my thirty something years I have had to learn how to pull myself out of the hole a little bit at a time. I have learned the hard way that you can not escape a depressive episode in a day. It usually takes around a week to get back to feeling normal.
I was able to get a start on pulling myself up by putting the girls (the guinea pigs) in a new cage yesterday. I got so tired of cleaning their box of cat messes every day. I hate putting them in a cage but I think we will all be healthier and happier with their bedding cat mess free. Also, the girls will stop being so scared of anyone walking by.
Well enough delaying, I am off to pull a box or two from the craft room.
TaTa for now,
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Mossy Creek Barnyard Festival and a finish
Hello all. I went to the Mossy Creek Barnyard Festival today and had a great time. Saw some great arts and crafts. Learned a few things about completing my quilts and basket weaving. I had a wonderful time with friends.

When I got home I had a package from JoAnn Fabrics. I splurged and picked up some wonderful greens and a cream. I figured this would make a great toddler blanket. I also picked up this little ornament. I couldn't pass it up. I can't pass up a snowman especially when they are on sale.
Last night I finished the wall quilt for my DD. I can do tops great but I am still practicing on putting the back on. ;) I showed it to her and she squealed. What a great feeling.
When I got home today I didn't feel like picking up a needle so I picked up a crochet hook and started on the green blanket.
Tomorrow I hope to work on my Trick or Treat pattern and put some more time in on the blanket.
TaTa for now,
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Almost the Weekend!
Hello All!
The last couple of days have been a bust for stitching. Today was different. I started working on my crochet baby blanket. Then decided I didn't want to do that and so I cleaned (gasp...yes I cleaned). I do have a couple of finishes, an almost finish and a new start.

I started and finsihed these three little pandas. The first one came as a kit. My DD best friend goes gaga for pandas. I figured since finances were going to be a little tight I would make something as a Christmas gift. I finished these little guys as ornaments that she can hang up on a tree or anywhere in her room she wants to. My daughter just loved them and asked me to make her a couple.
The last couple of days have been a bust for stitching. Today was different. I started working on my crochet baby blanket. Then decided I didn't want to do that and so I cleaned (gasp...yes I cleaned). I do have a couple of finishes, an almost finish and a new start.
I forgot to take a picture of all 4 cat stamps together after I completed them. I have cut the strips of material to quilt them together and will sew them together tomorrow since the little one is now asleep. I really don't want to wake her up since she becomes a little alot just a tad grumpy when she does not get enough sleep.
And I have been drooling over this Trick or Treat pattern for ages. I just love the colors in this piece. They make me feel happy. I finally picked it up along with the reqired thread. The fabric recommend is a 14 ct white aida but I changed it to an 18ct cream I had in my stash. Next time I post I hope to have a good start on this and the wall quilt done for my daughter.
Even though I have not signed up for the IHSW I plan on stitching this weekend when I am not at the local craft fair.
TaTa for now,
Saturday, October 13, 2012
New Stash and a Giveaway
Look what the postman brought me today.
I was randomly searching the other day and decided that I would see what Stoney Creek had to offer. Of course a sale was in progress and then there was this free pattern of the month "Life is a Journey". Of course I just loved the little butterfly charm and could not pass picking up a second one at such a great price. Then I saw these little "I love you" heart charms. I just adore snowmen/women/children! I couldn't resist his smile. Then the silk ribbon caught my eye. Over 12 yards of hand dyed silk ribbon for $6.00!! Since I plan to expand my stitching experiences I could not pass this up.
Now onto the Giveaway part of my post. Gizzimomo's Stitchy Place posted her Saturday Review and is giving away the chart she was given to review. Her posts are wonderful and so very informative. Go on over and have a look around. You will learn something new each and every time.
Now to kit up one of these wonderful new charts.
Have a wonderful weekend.
TaTa for now,
I was randomly searching the other day and decided that I would see what Stoney Creek had to offer. Of course a sale was in progress and then there was this free pattern of the month "Life is a Journey". Of course I just loved the little butterfly charm and could not pass picking up a second one at such a great price. Then I saw these little "I love you" heart charms. I just adore snowmen/women/children! I couldn't resist his smile. Then the silk ribbon caught my eye. Over 12 yards of hand dyed silk ribbon for $6.00!! Since I plan to expand my stitching experiences I could not pass this up.
Now onto the Giveaway part of my post. Gizzimomo's Stitchy Place posted her Saturday Review and is giving away the chart she was given to review. Her posts are wonderful and so very informative. Go on over and have a look around. You will learn something new each and every time.
Now to kit up one of these wonderful new charts.
Have a wonderful weekend.
TaTa for now,
Little Helpers an update and a new start
Hello All,
Since I have not been working I can't seem to get myself into bed at a decent time. I am either stitching workstalking reading all my fellow bloggers. I am so thankful that there are so many of us willing to put ourselves out there showing our work and our daily lives.
Today I had a few helpers today as I was stitching.
Even with all the help I was able to get some stitching done on the cat stamp wall hanging for my daughter...

Of course one of my helpers had to get in on the picture.
since I was a little tired of the blue and purple I decided to start an ornament for my DD friend who loves pandas.
I had to take out the sweater since I could not seem to count tonight. At least this will be a quick stitch. I am thinking of making a second one with the girl's favorite color in the sweater. We will see.
I will leave you with a cute site I walked into yesterday.
TaTa for now,
Since I have not been working I can't seem to get myself into bed at a decent time. I am either stitching work
Today I had a few helpers today as I was stitching.
Even with all the help I was able to get some stitching done on the cat stamp wall hanging for my daughter...
Of course one of my helpers had to get in on the picture.
since I was a little tired of the blue and purple I decided to start an ornament for my DD friend who loves pandas.
I had to take out the sweater since I could not seem to count tonight. At least this will be a quick stitch. I am thinking of making a second one with the girl's favorite color in the sweater. We will see.
I will leave you with a cute site I walked into yesterday.
TaTa for now,
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Another great Giveaway
The more blogs I get a chance to read the more I learn. I am so thankful that I am a part of such a sharing community. I just found a great giveaway at Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe.
I don't have a progress photo but I am going to leave you with a couple of photos of my blogging and stitching buddies.
TaTa for now,
I don't have a progress photo but I am going to leave you with a couple of photos of my blogging and stitching buddies.
My girl playing a game and all my boys relaxing as I keep updated on all my new friends.
TaTa for now,
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Wonderful New Givaway and a Finish
I just found this wonderful new givaway this morning by Emma at My Creative Corner. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
My Creative Corner 50 follower Givaway
After losing my job last week it took me a couple of days to adjust to the change in cercumstances. This caused a temporary lasp in stitching mojo. So to the blogs I went for some inspiration. And what do I find? This cute little free chart from Stitching the Night Away . This was the perfect item to get me started stitching again. When reading everyone's blogs I kept reading about a flat fold finish. I was "What is that? What does it look like? and most importantly...how can I do it?" So I "Googled" it. Most of you don't know me, but I have always used Yahoo and didn't understand why so many people used Google. Now I know. I still like having an email with Yahoo and a lot of the times I will find an interesting article to read but when it comes to looking for something you really want Google. Ok, ok time to get back on track (lol). I found this wonderful site that lists all kinds of finishing instructions Meari's Musings . This one is for a flat fold finish but she has a lot of other tutorials as well. Her instructions were easy to read with LOTS of pictures. Perfect for someone just learning the different finishes.
So without further ado, my first flat fold.
I know, I know. The picture in front is not centered. The corners are a little bulky. But I am pretty proud of myself never the less.
I am back to working on the cat wall hanging for my daughter. I will be working on it and the Christmas gifts for my parents. I will concentrate on those two for now until I get my stitching mojo back completely.
I learned tonight that my father will be transfering back from England next month and he asked me what I wanted him to bring back. Of course I couldn't help asking him for some specialty stash. He is such a wonderful Dad.
I will leave you with this:
TaTa for now,
My Creative Corner 50 follower Givaway
After losing my job last week it took me a couple of days to adjust to the change in cercumstances. This caused a temporary lasp in stitching mojo. So to the blogs I went for some inspiration. And what do I find? This cute little free chart from Stitching the Night Away . This was the perfect item to get me started stitching again. When reading everyone's blogs I kept reading about a flat fold finish. I was "What is that? What does it look like? and most importantly...how can I do it?" So I "Googled" it. Most of you don't know me, but I have always used Yahoo and didn't understand why so many people used Google. Now I know. I still like having an email with Yahoo and a lot of the times I will find an interesting article to read but when it comes to looking for something you really want Google. Ok, ok time to get back on track (lol). I found this wonderful site that lists all kinds of finishing instructions Meari's Musings . This one is for a flat fold finish but she has a lot of other tutorials as well. Her instructions were easy to read with LOTS of pictures. Perfect for someone just learning the different finishes.
So without further ado, my first flat fold.
I know, I know. The picture in front is not centered. The corners are a little bulky. But I am pretty proud of myself never the less.
I am back to working on the cat wall hanging for my daughter. I will be working on it and the Christmas gifts for my parents. I will concentrate on those two for now until I get my stitching mojo back completely.
I learned tonight that my father will be transfering back from England next month and he asked me what I wanted him to bring back. Of course I couldn't help asking him for some specialty stash. He is such a wonderful Dad.
I will leave you with this:
TaTa for now,
Friday, October 5, 2012
Birthday Wishes
Hello All,
Today is my birthday and I was able to hear from almost all of my family. Even though I am still adjusting to the loss of my job I have had a really great day. My loving DD made me coffee this morning and let me stitch to my hearts content. Then tonight she got dinner on the table. She has given me kisses and hugs all day.I plan on having a hermit weekend and stitching as often as I can with as few breaks as possible. With my girl being on school holiday next week we will be able to spend some wonderful quality time together.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
TaTa for Now from the Crazy Cat Lady (as my daughter calls me)
Today is my birthday and I was able to hear from almost all of my family. Even though I am still adjusting to the loss of my job I have had a really great day. My loving DD made me coffee this morning and let me stitch to my hearts content. Then tonight she got dinner on the table. She has given me kisses and hugs all day.I plan on having a hermit weekend and stitching as often as I can with as few breaks as possible. With my girl being on school holiday next week we will be able to spend some wonderful quality time together.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
TaTa for Now from the Crazy Cat Lady (as my daughter calls me)
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
A Series of Unfortunate Events
I knew it has been a long time since my last post but I did not realize that it has been almost a full month. I have missed my cross stitching and my crocheting. I have had the chance to read a few of my favorite blogs here and there but I have not been able to pick up a needle in way to long. If you do not have a lot of time skip my post and come back to it later. This one turned out to be longer than I planned.
I have never actually read the books "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" but I have watched the movie with my daughter. I feel as if I am in the movie. First, as I have said in a previous post, my truck was rear ended over a month ago and they have decided that it wouldcost too much not be safe for me to drive my truck anymore. I promptly put the check in my bank account and found out it would take up to 10 days for the full amount to be deposited into my account. In this time I talked to a co-worker and was able to find a decent car at a reasonable price. This allowed me to buy the car, pay bills and still have a balance in my account for rainy days. My intention was to go in the dealership with cash and walk out with a car. I test drove the car and there were a few minor things (like you would expect with any used car). My co-worker was still there after the test drive and informed the dealer (someone who he personally knows and has bought the last 6 vehicles from) that there was a clicking noise when I turned out of the lot. The guy said that it was probably the CV joint and that he would fix it before I took the car home.Of course I am not going to quibble over a $400 dealer fee when he is willing to fix a CV joint without charge. Come to find out the people who owned the car first ran it the way it was until the ball bearing fused.If you have ever had this problem you were probably told that it would be cheaper to buy a new car. This dealer actually to the part to a machine shop to get the ball bearing ground out and was able to purchase a hard to find part to complete the repair. (All this without charging me a penny). Now understand this process has taken already taken a week and I needed to turn in the rental I was using since I took the truck in for The day I went to return the car I had to pick up my daughter 45 minutes in the opposite direction and go another 45 minutes past where I started and then return for a dinner with some of my co-workers. I was to be at the dealer before 6. Of course I was late and what do you do when you are late? You speed. I went way too fast and passed a police officer going in the opposite direction. If you thought that their detection devises could not determine your speed when they were moving was an urban legend...I am your proof. It is not!!!! I happened to look in my rear view mirror and saw break lights then his flashing lights turn on as he started to turn around and I knew I was busted so I pulled over and waited for him to get to me. Of course the officer started yelling at me about how fast I was going, how I could have killed someone else, my DD, or myself (he really didn't seem to care if it was me but he added that in anyway). So I received a ticket as was told the court date and that I was to call to see if I needed to appear and was sent on my way. By this time the person at the dealership (not the guy I have been talking to) decided that he could not wait another second and needed to leave. Now I need to return the rental and walk to the dealership since there is no one to drive the temporary car (mine was not yet ready). I was told that the keys would be in the floor board and I would be all set. What I figured would be maybe a mile walk turned into a 3.5 mile walk. My DD was so good. She only whined a little bit and had only a few tears leak out. Now on to my story...We finally reach the dealership and find the car. We get in, I insert the key and turn it...and nothing. No engine turning over...no nothing. So I call my guy. He says he is sending someone out to jump start the car. We jump it and the moment I let my foot off the pedal the car dies. We tried this 3 times and the same thing happens. Finally the person who came out to help me calls my guy and he tells her that it is just out of gas. She argues with him for a bit and tells him that she is not going to let me off the lot with a vehicle that is going to leave me stranded and that she doesn't have time for this and is needed elsewhere. She puts maybe 1/4 of a gallon of gas in and what do you know...it starts and stays running. Now by this time both my DD and I are starving and we needed to put gas in the thing. I am told to keep the car running while if fuel up. This is the most scary time for me cause I have never done that before. There are big signs all over the gas stations that tell you to turn off your vehicle while fueling!!!! I decided that it was best to not turn the car off at that time and put some gas in. Then we went to a drive thru since I still did not dare to turn the car off yet. We get our food and start home. About 10 minutes later we both realized that we were missing food. " Baby" I said, "I over paid for our dinner but I am not turning back." Do you know what she said? "It's OK mama.". Then I had to work all weekend (another 20+ hours). I don't know if I have ever said but I am an HR Administrator/Payroll for a company and we have been working on transferring to a new accounting system. On Monday I sent out a report for review. I knew that this report included not only hours but pay rates. Before anyone says anything I realize this is the point where I went wrong. There really is no one else to blame but myself. I sent this report out to those I thought knew the rates and could approve the hours. I was wrong. They did not know the rates and there were those who pitched a fit. The more I think on it the more I realized that I should have known better. I work(ed) with children. If they didn't like something they immediately tattled to the nearest teacher. Today I was called into a spare office and was told that I was terminated effective immediately. Of course I cried. I tried not to but it didn't work. I was told to hold on a few minutes while the room we were working in was cleared out so I could remove my things and was then escorted out of the building. I have been trying to process this all night. I realize that this was probably G_d's way of telling me that he does not want me working there any more. I have felt this before but have ignored it since I was so comfortable there. I have also been trying to look at the bright side of things this afternoon...I have been saying that I am mentally exhausted and that I needed a break (watch what you pray for) and that my house is a disaster since I have not had a chance to clean since I work 10 hour days at the office and then come home and work another 2-4 hours. Now I will have the chance to clean the house, take care of those pesky things like renewing my license and get some stitching done. All this will need to get done between searching for another job. I know one is out there (probably near family). But I will be able to get some stitching done.
Thank you everyone for listening to me cry, _itch and moan about my situation tonight. I am allowing myself to wallow in my misery for one night and then I will pick myself up and move forward.
I already have plans on getting up in the morning and getting some of those pesky little errands done. I might even find the time to put a few stitches in the baby blanket I am working on while waiting at the DMV and getting a few more XX's in a couple of other projects I have going. Don't worry all, I know all is going to work out in the end. I am not alone (G_d is with me) and He has plans that I am not yet aware of.
Good night and sweet dreams
Angela, The Crazy Cat Lady (as my daughter calls me)
I have never actually read the books "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" but I have watched the movie with my daughter. I feel as if I am in the movie. First, as I have said in a previous post, my truck was rear ended over a month ago and they have decided that it would
Thank you everyone for listening to me cry, _itch and moan about my situation tonight. I am allowing myself to wallow in my misery for one night and then I will pick myself up and move forward.
I already have plans on getting up in the morning and getting some of those pesky little errands done. I might even find the time to put a few stitches in the baby blanket I am working on while waiting at the DMV and getting a few more XX's in a couple of other projects I have going. Don't worry all, I know all is going to work out in the end. I am not alone (G_d is with me) and He has plans that I am not yet aware of.
Good night and sweet dreams
Angela, The Crazy Cat Lady (as my daughter calls me)
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