I have a couple of finishes to share with you and an overall progress update.
I have been going through my stash looking at what I have kitted up, started or completed trying to decide if I am ever going to actually stitch these items. Those that I decided I would never do or finish I posted on a FB stash sale site to make room for new projects (or to complete the kitting up of ones that I do plan on completing). I was able to re-home quite a bit. The side benefit of this is I now have money that I can spend on new stash guilt free.
For the month of May, Stoney Creek started a new Halloween Series as their free pattern of the month. I fell in love with it the first time I saw it and had to pick it up as soon as it was available. Since I had the funds available from my previous sales I went ahead and picked up the glow in the dark DMC and the one Week's Dye Works that I did not have and the button pack. Since I just finished a quick little stitch and I have everything needed to complete this, I think that I will start on this one today once I can tear myself away from the computer.
I completed two charity stitches earlier this month. They are the same pattern but using different colors. WOCS needed an urgent silhouette pattern I started a dove pattern but the pattern would have come out too large for the requested piece. I tried on a 20 ct aida 1 over 1 but I did not like how the stitches looked. I had found this online and liked the way it looked and saved it because I wanted to stitch it at some point. I really like how this one came out.
I am participating in an Ink Circles SAL on one of my Face Book groups. I started out strong but have been distracted with the charity stitching and one of my other loves...reading. This is my current progress. Not much, but any progress is good progress.
Not very interesting today I know. I think it is time for me to let you all go. Have a great rest of your weekend.
Ta Ta for Now,
Angela CG
Don't interfere in the affairs of Dragons
...for you are Crunchy and taste good with ketchup
Love the Halloween project! Looks fantastic :)
Wow you have been very busy! Lots of lovely stitching.
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