Last week was a very long week at work. Nothing went wrong per se but nothing seemed to go right either. This resulted in very little stitching after work.Thankfully we had a long weekend here in the States (still not long enough) so I could catch up on my rest and stitching.
DD wanted her best friend to stay the night and somehow one night turned into 3. :) All is good since she is a very respectful child and I hardly know either of them is there when they are together. This was also the weekend that the PBR with the State fair was in the next town over. Now I have never been to a PBR (bull riding) event before and decided it would be something different to take the girls to. They had a blast and so did I. Below is DD and her best friend.
Since I did not have permission from DD's friend's parents, I hid her face.
Later that night, I was able to get a nice picture (without funny faces) of DD enjoying herself.
I received a Bucilla kit called "Love Beareth". The moment I pulled it out of the package DD fell in love and started asking if I could stitch it for her. I think bears are very cute but they are no longer my thing. Know what I mean? But there was no way I could resist. So I started (pictured in my last post). I was able to spend a lot of time on it on Sunday and finally finished up on Monday (after my grocery shopping and errands were complete). It is a cute little thing. Now I have to figure out how to frame it since the fabric was cut at an angle leaving it a bit wonky. If I remember correctly I might even have some teddy bear fabric that I can use to make a wall hanging.

As soon as I finished "Love" I went searching for a new start. As I walked into my room, I saw the fabric for the "My Garden Journal" hanging up where I put it to allow it to finish drying. (Somehow it had a small spot near the stitched border that needed washed out. I was so scared the colors were going to run. I did see some pink/red in the rinse water but no color ran onto the fabric. Boy was I thankful). So I picked it up and made a very measly start on August's Poppy last night. I can't wait to get home and get dinner out of the way so I can get back to it.
August's Poppy (My Garden Journal) by Beach Cottage Stitchers
I finally decided that I was going to have a small project for "on the go" meaning during lunch time at work. Since the lighting is not the best for stitching I needed something with a higher count and a simple pattern. The
WOCS has a new database open for mittens and they are so cute.
My camera washed out the color, but the fabric is a pretty
baby blue and the purple works perfectly with it.
This is only after two days of working on it
at lunch.
Since I didn't finish my post yesterday before I got home I had the chance to continue to work on August's Poppy. This is where I left it last night, working on a lot of stems. Only about half done with the stems, then I can start on the actual flowers. It is kinda weird working from right to left since I usually start these on the other side. This time it was easier to count on the right side. I do like being able to work in the flower first for a change.
Time for me to let you go, need to actually get some work done today.
Ta Ta for now,